Wednesday 16 April 2008


Of utmost interest to you as a potential home seller is how much money you can get for the place, or for your equity (interest) therein. There are many erudite definitions of market value, price and appraisal, but as a practical matter, the federal government's two big housing agencies, the Veterans Administration and the Federal Housing Administration, have so dominated the appraisal field for so long it is usually quite difficult to sell a home for much more than the appraised value as set by VA or FHA, or by a reputable independent appraiser.


Do not misunderstand this section and reach the conclusion that this whole book implies that you should keep quiet continually, the following old story is very much in order to emphasize what you should not do:

An enterprising farmer, before leaving his first born sitting on the spring seat of a spring wagon loaded with hard to-sell apples, said, "Jody, you're a fool, talking your fool head off aller time. While I'm gone keep your fool tater trap shut so's nobody'll know you're a fool."


Rules for showing the home to the prospect include:

1. During inspection, keep the number of persons present as low as is possible. (When several people are stirring around in a house, it is only natural for prospects to become uncomfortable and to feel that they are intruding.)

2. When it is dark outside--nighttime or dreary daytime--switch on the lights before any prospect appears.

3. Quiet all distractions so you can hear whatever comments your prospects will make. Keep all music, radios, Hi-Fi's, and TV's switched off.

(4) Have those adorable pets entirely out of the way.

5. Have the house well ventilated and, to the extent the weather permits, keep windows open. Run the exhaust fans to guarantee fresh air sufficient to dispel all staleness.

6. Clear kitchen sink and tables of dishes.

7. Store dishes, sparkingly clean, neatly on the shelves.

8. Spread all beds smoothly with freshly cleaned covers.

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